Monday, May 31, 2021

10 Tips for Starting, Continuing, & Finishing Writing Projects

Dear Dissertators and Other Aspiring/Practicing Writers,

Digital/analog dissertation-in-progress

Graduate school presents countless opportunities and challenges for getting started and/or keeping going on writing projects, and it can be difficult to be kind to ourselves when we aren't as productive as we intended. One of my favorite quotes from NCFDD founder Kerry Ann Rockquemore is: “Let go of any past writing shortcomings and release yourself from the negative feelings associated with not writing, producing, or finishing your work.” In the spirit of practicing the processes of starting and continuing, however many times or as often as necessary, this post summarizes some of the most useful tips I've gleaned from various writing tools and personal experience over time.

Friday, May 28, 2021

App Report: Retrospective on Useful Accounts with UK Access

Dear UK Colleagues (& Those With General Nerdy Interest),

Custom-designed Chuck Taylor All-Star Converse
("Chucks") by & for Dr. AnthroBone, Class of 2021

I'm pleased to report that I finally finished and defended my dissertation, completed my PhD, and graduated from the University of Kentucky (UK) this semester! There is much to reflect upon and write about this experience, and I will share various lessons learned in the future. Meanwhile, as I depart UK, there are several free websites and resources related to writing/professional development through UK's institutional membership that I have taken advantage of over the years that I hope are also valuable for continuing graduate students.